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What isReiki?

Reiki is a very ancient tool for bringing about positive change and well-being into your life. It works simultaneously on all levels of your being (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual). The Reiki practitioner will canalize qi* and will allow it to pour through his or her hands into you. It can be performed fully clothed and is a non invasive method as it doesn't need to involve physical contact, but I personally use touch as an extra aid for the healing. 


*Universal energy that circulates in and around our bodies and that is essential to life. A good flow of energy is necessary for the well functioning of your body and for your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Reiki Sessions

What others say


The Reiki workshop with Nuria, has having given me a healing tool for life. It was a day of self discovery, relaxation and connection with the rest of participants, an unforgettable experience. Thank you Nuria!

~ Citlali, Barcelona


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It is difficult to express with words the magic of that moment. The serenity and love that Nuria showed us, created the perfect atmosphere for learning, encouraging us to listen to ourselves and to share Universal Love.

~ Laia Ferrer, Barcelona 

In a tipical Reiki session you will lie down or sit in a chair and the practitioner will follow a pattern of hand positions, covering all your organs and systems. Reiki energy will remove blockages that stand in the way of your feeling well and that manifest in your life as obstacles and symptoms.


Reiki sessions vary in length depending on specific cases, but in general, a full treatment will last from 45 to 60 minutes. The amount of time and the number of sessions will depend on how much energy your body needs and how much you can take in one session. For most people, 3 consecutive sessions will be enough for a deep healing to happen. The more open and receptive you are, the quicker and more lasting the effects will be.

Barcelona Yoga prenatal, Masaje prenatal y postnatal, preparación al parto, talleres de masaje con musicoterapia, Círculos de Mujeres, Reiki, Sesiones mamá y bebé

Reiki Iniciations

A Reiki Initiation is a powerful healing. It is an alignment with the Universal Energy, a clearing of the chanels that improves your energy flow and enables you to continually give and receive qi.


Reiki I clears your energetic channels so you can circulate and give Reiki to yourself.  By opening the healing channel and unblocking the physical, emotional and mental centers you will be reconnecting with your capacity for self-healing. Reiki I is comprised of a series of attunements and the learning of the hand positions for self-healing. This is a two day workshop.


Reiki II depens your healing and enables you to offer it to others, including distant healing (transcending time and space). At this point, you will be ready to learn the Reiki symbols and its uses. This is a two day workshop. 

Barcelona Yoga prenatal, Masaje prenatal y postnatal, preparación al parto, talleres de masaje con musicoterapia, Círculos de Mujeres, Reiki, Sesiones mamá y bebé
Barcelona Yoga prenatal, Masaje prenatal y postnatal, preparación al parto, talleres de masaje con musicoterapia, Círculos de Mujeres, Reiki, Sesiones mamá y bebé

Yoga y Masaje prenatal y postnatal Barcelona, Maresme,El Masnou España

Masaje Prenatal El Masnou, Barcelona, Preparación al parto El Masnou, Barcelona, Masaje Postnatal El Masnou, Barcelona, Reiki El Masnou, Barcelona, Yoga prenatal El Masnou, Barcelona, Talleres de masaje El Masnou, Barcelona, Mamá y bebé El Masnou,Barcelona, Círculo de mujeres El Masnou, Barcelona

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