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Creating space in your life for the new

We all have those small or bigger corners where we keep all the not-know-what-to-do-with things. Things that pile up into heaps, that overcrowd our wardrobes, attics, drawers...

Well, it is time to say good bye to all those unused/unwanted/saved-for-later things that we keep just-in-case-in-the-future-we-may-need-them.

It is time to liberate, to free up space. To let some fresh air in to blow away all that does not serve us anymore. And that goes not only for our physical space (our houses, garages, attics, place of work, studios...) it also applies to our minds.

It is time to let go of undesired, painful and thoughts, old belief systems, unproductive ideas about ourselves, others and the world around us. It is time to start valuing ourselves, with what we do and who we are.

What is it that we want from life?

By creating some space we can give birth to new ideas and bring forth new opportunities. By letting the energy to move and flow we can breath in and get refreshed, renewed.

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Yoga y Masaje prenatal y postnatal Barcelona, Maresme,El Masnou España

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