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Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy is an extraordinay time in your life! Massage can support your physical, emotional  and mental well being throughout this amazing journey. It can also help you relax into your body’s wisdom and natural ability to grow life and to give birth.


Massage throughout pregnancy is a wonderful way to bond with your baby  in a calm and peaceful environment and can be very effective at easing discomforts, aches and pains. The power of touch combined with the science of technique can make a real difference on how you experience your pregnancy.


~*~ Massage gives special attention to the mother-to-be, which in turn nurtures the new life that grows within her ~*~

What others say


I have been really enjoying the pregnancy massages with Nuria. She makes me feel very relaxed and connect not only with my body as it is changing with pregnancy, but with my baby growing inside. 

~ Caroline, East Devon.

Barcelona Yoga prenatal, Masaje prenatal y postnatal, preparación al parto, talleres de masaje con musicoterapia, Círculos de Mujeres, Reiki, Sesiones mamá y bebé

Pregnancy massage, Birth preparation, prostnatal massage, Reiki, pregnatal yoga, postnatal yoga, massage workshops, Women's gatherings, Barcelona, Maresme, El Masnou, Spain

Yoga y Masaje prenatal y postnatal Barcelona, Maresme,El Masnou España

Masaje Prenatal El Masnou, Barcelona, Preparación al parto El Masnou, Barcelona, Masaje Postnatal El Masnou, Barcelona, Reiki El Masnou, Barcelona, Yoga prenatal El Masnou, Barcelona, Talleres de masaje El Masnou, Barcelona, Mamá y bebé El Masnou,Barcelona, Círculo de mujeres El Masnou, Barcelona

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